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“Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it.”​


This quote sums up how I feel about nutrition and the role it plays in our health.

Hi I'm Misaki,

I am a plant besed nutritionist trained in Germany.

Bean Happy is a plant-based food and wellness platform sharing simple ideas and nutrition tips for a healthier life. I offer nutrition consultation , private and group 

cooking classes in person.

If you are looking for help and support to improve your diet by optimizing nutrition balance,

Please contact me!

What will your  nutrition counseling be like?



First appointment

—initial session 

In the 1:1 Nutririon counseling session we work on the complete assessment of your health,eating habits and preferences along with your current lifestyle.

in order to outline your specific personal goals.

We will look at your 7day photo food journal, learn the foods you like and dislike, and start working on a nutrition plan that suits your needs.

We don't count calories here, but 

focus on the categories and the colors of food to check for potential nutritional deficiencies.

I will assess your current diet and provide you with information and guidance.

This way you can have a grasp on balanced meal to get closer to your ideal self.

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, manage a new health condition, resolve digestive discomfort or create new way of eating, I work with you to provide practical, strategic advice and accountability.

Dietary Assessment

(Based on your food journal)


If you have blood test results that can be used as a reference for nutritional assessment, please submit them online at least one day before the appointment date.


How do I prepare for an initial session ?

Step1 Think about your goals.

Step 2   Write out any questions that you want to ask.

For example, refer to this questionnaire.


Your Healthy  Eating Journey Starts from here!

Since I learned how to balance my nutritional needs with adding 

variety of whole food in my diet.

My blood pressure dropped to 130.

Why do I crave for black beans?

My taste buds should have changed dramatically.

I had no idea that my joint pain was so affected by food until I change my diet for weeks.

Cheese was the only thing I couldn't imagine giving up, but...

Now I know there are many delicious substitutes!

It did not take long for my cholesterol levels to be normalized.

After 3 month I was convinced that many diseases could be prevented.

Interestingly enough my neighbor thought I was my daughter.

That is how much weight I lost!


Contact     Tel: +49(0)162 835 4031
What I offer is not intended to treat or alleviate illness or its complaints and does not include individual consultation in case of illness . 
Please consult your doctor, or alternative therapist in case of complaints.

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