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My perfect vegan pancake

This picture is not mine actually but what I can offer is a

recipe of my perfect vegan pancake that looks just like this image.

This is not very typical German style thin pancakes but more like American style

fluffy pancake.

Ingredients for 3 (70ml) pancakes

1/2 cup spelt flour(630)

3tbsp almond flour

1tbsp raw cane sugar

1tsp baking powder

1tsp ground flax seed

A pinch of cinnamon powder or vanilla

A pinch of salt

1/2 cup oat milk (Edeka’s bio brand)

+oil ( for example peanut oil)

Mix all in a bowl and leave it for 3mins so the pancake batter becomes fluffy.

Soak a small amount of oil in cooking paper and coat the pan.

Make sure that pan is heated enough.

Scoop a ladleful (70ml)of batter into the pan and bake it for 2-3mins.

When bubbles are visible on the surface of the batter and the edges are set, flip the pancake and bake for 1-2 minutes.

This batter is enough for 3 pancakes.

Enjoy with fresh fruits and syrup of your choice:)

The batter is low in oil but not oil free.

Because the store bought oat milk contains some sunflower oil.

That is why I used oat milk for this recipe not to add too much oil.

You don’t have to be afraid of using a bit of oil to eat healthy

but just make sure to add some fiber and omega 3(chia/flax/walnuts) to balance your diet.

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