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Soy patties

Updated: Apr 16, 2023

This is one of the easiest plant based meal I can share with you.

You can always have the ingredients in the freezer or on the shelf.

Ingredients for 5 patties

100g chopped onion (or frozen chopped onion)

1tsp cumin seed powder

1tsp garlic powder

1tbsp brewer’s yeast

1tbsp chia seeds

2tbsp wheat flour (405)

4tbsp oat meal

20ml soy sauce

Salt and black pepper to taste

Olive oil

(1) Boil the dried soy curls for 5-10mins (You can turn off the heat when it’s so bubbly )But keep them in this boiled water for at least 10mins in total.

Proteins make the water foamy, but don't worry about it.

I boiled it in a normal water but you can also boil it in vegetable broth.

(2) After 10mins, strain it. When the boiled soy curls are cool

enough to touch, squeeze the water well.

(3)Warm a small amount of oil in a frying pan (optional)

Fry some onion and spices.

(4)When the onions are cooked, mix them in a bowl with the boiled and strained soy curls. Add also oat meal and wheat flour, brewer’s yeast.

(5) Add chia seeds, soy sauce ,salt and pepper to taste. (or add any fresh herbs

of your choice)

(6) Knead it well by hand for 2 minutes, as you would knead real minced meat.

(7)Divide (6)into 5 equal portions and form patties.

If you are following exact this quantities, you will have five 80 g patties.

This is optional but if you wrap the patties in plastic wrap and place them in the freezer for 5 minutes.

The patties will be firmer and less likely to fall apart in the next step.

(8)Heat a small amount of oil in a frying pan.

(9)Fry them and allow the patties to brown for at least 3 to 4 minutes(no moving or touching till one side becomes crispy)

(10)Flip the patties over and fry the other side for another 3 minutes.

For the sauce

We just added all the ingredients (listed below) in a small bowl and

stirred with a spoon.

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