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Mild Red Lentil Curry

Updated: Jun 8

Lentils are healthy,nourishing and delicious! One of my most used vegan food staples 😄

As a preparation I personally rinse lentils with cold water and

then soak them in cold water for 30mins but it’s optional.

(So they get cooked faster in a pot and helps digestion too)

(1)Boil lentils with the following ingredients in a big pot for about 20 minutes to start out. Water amount is always 4times of the lentils.

Dried red lentils 1cup (250ml cup) Water 1L Salt 15g or less ( in the workshop I used iodized salt) 1 tsp turmeric powder 1 tbsp olive

(2)Skim the dark foam off the top time to time.

Now we will leave a pot here and start heating spices in a frying pan.

Ingredients list ( for a frying pan )

☆10ml olive oil ☆2tsp Indian cumin seeds(whole) ☆1 tsp garlic ☆1 tsp turmeric powder ☆1 cup chopped onion ☆1,5 tbsp Garam Masala (I used Fuchs’s garam masala found in Edeka)

Garam masala is usually a mixture of 9 or 10 different spices and varies greatly in content and color from product to product.

I personally think this garam masala is quite tasty. It is a seasoning that can be found in regular German supermarkets, so we used this one at the workshop.

This one contains











Bay leaves




Salt (not much)

By the way ,don’t buy a curry powder for this recipe.

Many curry powder contains a lot of salt and make this dish too salty.

This is not a curry powder.( Garam masala) ⇩

The seeds are cumin seeds. (Not caraway seeds)They smell like curry already.

The yellow powder is turmeric.

(3) When the onion and the spices are golden add following ingredients .

3tbsp tomato paste (tomato mark=or 70g small canned paste)

400g chopped fresh tomatoes .

I don’t like to add oil so much but if you want to add more go ahead..

Keep mixing it on a medium heat until it looks like thick tomato sauce.

It takes about 10mins. (this is not ready yet ⇩)

(6) When the tomatoes looks like this picture below ,add this in the pot of lentils.

(7) At this point the lentil has been boiled for 30mins.

(8) Stir it well over medium heat. Let it simmer for 5 to 10mins.

(9) When the curry looks golden and shiny it’s done(about 40mins in total) .

Add 1tbsp of brewer's yeast and black pepper just before you eat it.

If you know me, you know that I add this brewer’s yeast to any dish I cook to boost minerals,B vitamins and protein:)

Some vitaminBs get lost in heat that is why I add it at the end of cooking.

You can buy this Bierhefe at d.m.(3Euro)

It’s great especially when you serve curry with white rice.

Brewer’s yeast provide some micro nutrients more effectively than brown rice.

If you are avoiding wheat protein, you can add nutritional yeast instead.

Check this out. Niacin=B3 Biotin=B7 Folsäure=B9

Enjoy with some basmati rice and chopped cilantro .

At one of my session, we also made some quick naan to serve with.

Check out the recipes if you would like.

If you have an intolerance to tomatoes check this alternative recipe.

Oh, one more thing.

You can also freeze this lentil curry.

How to freeze and defrost

If you freeze one serving at a time in a ziplock, it is easier to defrost.

(I take the frozen curry out of the freezer and leave it in the refrigerator overnight and it tastes just fine the following day)

If you don’t freeze it, you can keep a pot of lentil curry in fridge but it lasts for only 3-4days in fridge.

Have a nice holiday and see you soon.

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