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Tofu eggplant

Ingredients for 3 servings

100g hand crumbled extra firm tofu

250g sliced eggplant

1/2 cup chopped red onion

1tsp garlic

2 tbsp oil

A pinch of Chinese 13 spices

1tsp sugar

1tbsp soy sauce

1tsp dark soy sauce

1/2 cup water

Some chopped green onion

Step 1

Fry eggplant with 1tbsp oil.

Fry until they get partly transparent and wilted.

Step 2

Add some garlic and chopped onion and 1tbsp oil one more time.

Step 3

Add crumbled tofu and keep stir frying for another couple of minutes.

When the tofu looks dehydrated enough add the remaining seasoning.

At the end pour in some water and let it simmer for a few minutes.

Topped with spring onions.

Now it's ready to be served.

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